April showers bring May flowers, but with these you don’t have to wait another few weeks. We love these cupcake liner flowers because they are easy to make, last forever, look great, and you most likely have all the supplies around the house.
To make your own floral display of cupcake liner flowers you’ll need (per flower):
- 6-8 cupcake liners
- 1 chenille stem
- something to poke holes with (We used a ballpoint pen.)
1. Get your supplies ready.
2. Poke 2 holes through all the liners about 1/2 inch-3/4 inch apart. No need to measure, just eyeball it.
3. Put your chenille stem up through one hole then bend it down through the other. You might be able to do all the liners at once, but if you’re having trouble do a few at a time.
4. Leave about a 2 inch tail of chenille stem after you’ve pulled it through both holes in all of the liners.
5. Twist the short stem around the long one. This holds your flower in place.
6. Flatten out the cupcake liners. A quick way to do this is turn the flower upside-down with the stem pointing up and smashing the cupcake liners down with both hands.
7. Using your fingers fold up the liners one layer at a time. Crinkle, fold, lift up, whatever looks good to you.
8. Make more & enjoy your blooms.
We used white liners and felt they needed a bit more color. To help make them pop we edged our stack of liners with a stamp pad before starting. These blooms look great in bunches and they’re so easy to make you’ll want to make a ton. Below you’ll see we created an Easter display using paper mache eggs as vases and some Easter grass.
Happy Crafting,

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