Today’s recipe is one good for any part of your Thanksgiving celebration no matter if it’s served before, during or after the big meal it will be a big hit. Thanksgiving Blessings Trail Mix is a simple way to help remember what this holiday is really about. Each ingredient is carefully chosen to serve as a symbol of Thanksgiving.

Mix the ingredients in whatever proportions you think your guests would most enjoy.
- Bugles- shaped like a cornucopia, a symbol of our nation’s abundance.
- Nuts & Seeds- promise of a future harvest and growth.
- Pretzels- arms folded in prayer, a freedom sought by those who founded our country.
- Candy corn- sacrifices of the pilgrims first winter. Settlers survived on just a few kernels of corn a day.
- Dried fruit- harvest gifts from our bountiful land.
- M&Ms- memories of those who came before us to guide us to a bright future.
- Chocolate kisses- reminder of the love of family and friends that sweeten our lives.

We’re sharing our Thanksgiving Blessings Trail Mix Sign which you can download here. You can put it next to your bowl of trail mix so all of your guests know why all of the ingredients were chosen. Ours measured 5×7 inches.

Happy Planning,

I should be cleaning my house, instead I’m all caught up in the Thanksgiving-ness of your blog. Love the free Blessing Trail Mix sign! Thanks for giving, elevencupcakes!!!
Made this for my daughter’s preschool Thanksgiving party last week. Actually wrote a blog article on how much trouble I had trying to find candy corn to go in it:) (Linked to you)Thanks for the idea and the memoriable experience in trying to make it!
Love this idea. I am going to make individual cups with this mix and put mini Thanksgiving-Blessings -trail mix signs on them for our Women’s Ministry Thanksgiving luncheon at our church. Thank you.
I am bringing this to our hostess’s house as a treat. I also had my room mothers do this for our classroom harvest party. LOVE IT!!!! And just to piggy-back on the other comments, finding candy corn this time of year is EXTREMELY difficult. Next year I will buy extra bags and hide them for this bundle. Why do stores stop selling candy corn after Halloween?