You can create a simple, cost-effective dessert table for your party anywhere with these 5 simple steps! We set up this Elmo party on a kitchen island.
1. Clear off the counter!
2. Hang a fun piece of fabric as a backdrop behind the table or counter.
3. Hang balloons from the ceiling over the dessert table. We found these polka-dotted balloons at Hobby Lobby, and added a marble to make them hang down straight.
4. Use colorful dishes and trays for food and desserts. We made a cupcake stand using plates and mugs in our red & blue colors.
5. Hang up a birthday banner and you’re done! Now you are ready to set out your food and let the party begin!

I would never have thought hanging that fun cover would make such a difference. Anybody could do this and have it turn out great.
It all came together really, really well! You did a fantastic job! Elmo would be very proud.
What a great idea! I would never have thought of hanging the backdrop like you did. I always think of doing the backdrop against a wall instead of floating like that. Very creative! The whole setup looks great.
This is adorable! I love how you hung the background to bring it all together!
This is so cute!! We have some elmo fans in our house. I’ll keep this in mind for our next party!
Wow, it looks incredible! I love it! You did an awesome job!
Love it! Party posts are my fav. 😉 What a cool idea about hanging up a piece of fabric!