What’s a baby shower without a few games? Our favorite game for this party was ‘Guess what’s inside.’ We used an empty baby food jar (the smallest option at the store) and wrapped tape around the clear part so you couldn’t see inside. Then we filled it with as many small, tiny objects we could find. Guests were given 4 minutes to try and think of as many things as possible that would fit inside. Once the time was up, the jar was opened and items were taken out one by one. If guests guessed correctly, they received 1 point. The person at the end with the most points won a gift card to a local coffee shop.
Items included were: gold ribbon, button, hair tie, battery, needle, match, pin, bobby pin, paper clip, safety pin, clothespin, gum, key, screw, USB drive, salt packet, sticky note, button, advil, earring, dime, tack, rubber band, stamp, furniture pad, confetti, floss, staple, push pin, string. 30 items in all! These were things I found wandering around my house or at the bottom of my bag.
Happy Planning,

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